Is a Non-profit organization with registration number ooNGO/R/ 7690 dedicated to fostering equitable and sustainable development in Tanzania Mainland. We empower communities by addressing their needs and driving lasting change. We achieve this through active collaboration with local community members and relevant stakeholders
We envision the world where every individual regardless of gender,age or disability is empowered to achieve their dreams and contribute to vibrant, equitable and compassionate communities
Our Mission is to promote an inclusive and sustainable development project within communities in northern Tanzania. With the community members, we identify the challenges and design appropriate and sustainable solutions.
The RIKO objectives are also referred as areas of endeavours
Application in RIKO
2. Equal Participation: This principle advocates for every individual to have equal opportunities to contribute to and benefit from societal advancements, regardless of gender, age, or socio-economic status.
Application in RIKO
3.Involvement: The principle of involvement emphasizes the active engagement of all community members in identifying challenges, designing solutions, and implementing programs. It ensures ownership, sustainability, and the empowerment of individuals and groups.
Application in RIKO:
4. Accountability: Everyone has not only the right to benefit from a material and spiritual prosperity civilization also an obligation to contribute toward its construction.
5. Equality: The principle of equality emphasizes that all individuals are inherently equal in worth and dignity, deserving equal rights, opportunities, and treatment, regardless of their gender, race, ethnicity, or socio-economic status. Men and women share similar station and rank; therefore all should become full participants in all domains of life and enter the important arena of decision making.
Application in RIKO:
6. Empowerment: The process of enabling individuals and communities to take control of their own development, make decisions, and actively contribute to the betterment of their lives and society. It builds confidence, capacity, and self-reliance.
Application in RIKO
Building Capacities:
Promotingeducation, skills training, and resources that equip individuals to address their own needs and contribute meaningfully to their communities.
Facilitating workshops on leadership, entrepreneurship, and social innovation to foster self-reliance.
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